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В УрГЭУ пройдут VI Уральские научные чтения профессоров и докторантов

February 5-6, 2019, the Ural Scientific Readings of professors and postdoctoral students “New Industrialization of Russia: Economics - Science - Man - Nature Management” will be held at USUE.

Participants of the scientific readings are representatives of the scientific and educational community, business circles, public associations, government bodies, and business entities, including foreign ones.

As part of the Readings, there will be organized debating roundtables:

1. Prerequisites and conditions for new industrialization development.

2. Social and spiritual renewal of Russia. Human capital.

3. Social and economic vision of the prospects for re-industrialization of Russia.

Applications for participation in the Readings, articles, copies of the payment receipt of the registration fee are be submitted by January 20, 2019, to email conf_2017@bk.ru

February 5-6, 2019, the Ural Scientific Readings of professors and postdoctoral students “New Industrialization of Russia: Economics - Science - Man - Nature Management” will be held at USUE.

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