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Президент Вольного экономического общества России Сергей Бодрунов выступает в УрГЭУ с лекциями по ноономике

In the framework of the Ural Economic Forum “The Urals - the driver of neo-industrial and innovative development of Russia”, which will be held for the first time at the Ural State University of Economics on October 24–25, scientists, business people, public associations, public authorities and local self-government, heads of enterprises of the real sector of the economy will speak. 

Speakers will discuss the results of scientific research, new trends in the economy. 

The Plenary session of the forum will be addressed by the President of the Free economic society of Russia, Director of the Institute of new industrial development (INIR). S. Yu. Witte, President of the International Union of economists, academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, honorary Professor of USUE, doctor of Economics, Professor Sergey Bodrunov.

In the framework of the Ural Economic Forum “The Urals - the driver of neo-industrial and innovative development of Russia”, which will be held for the first time at the Ural State University of Economics on October 24–25, scientists, business people, public associations, public authorities and local self-government, heads of enterprises of the real sector of the economy will speak.


Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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